One assertion in need of address might be my father’s labeling of Clyde Barrow as a “homosexual killer.” Sort of a double entendre? It has been widely reported that Barrow was repeatedly raped in prison, and that he pulled a Gallagher-style melon-bashing of his tormentor with a baseball bat — which access to a bat might appear beyond logic, but keep in mind the era. Of the articles I pulled to verify this, the larger percentage suggested that, at the very least, Clyde Barrow’s sexuality was questionable. What was not questionable was the killing of his homosexual rapist. Dad’s label works either way, perhaps.
On a lighter note, perhaps you’re familiar with a tormenting of my own involving Marty Robbins. If you couldn’t tell, Dad was an avid fan. This was manifested during one of the those National Lampoon-style month-long family vacations out west. And yes, we even had the early-’70s green wagon with wood siding. It sported one of those newfangled cassette players, and of course, Dad brought along one tape… one. Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs by Marty Robbins.
I can’t drive amidst the sagebrush without hearing Cool Water, Big Iron, or of course, El Paso.
Damn him!