Boston Strangler – The Green Man

Albert Henry DeSalvo - The Boston Strangler

Behold, the Boston Strangler — one of America’s most notorious serial killers, but first … Wow! It has been a year since the last posting of Alex Taylor Tuesday. I kept a few tucked away for a special occasion during the Grand Distraction™, er, I mean pandemic. I don’t mean to play it down. Serious…… Continue reading Boston Strangler – The Green Man

The Ballad of Frank Hamer

We’ll get to Frank Hamer in a moment. Okay, here’s the thing: Due to The Pandemic™, I’ve not been able to raid Hall County’s library for additional scans of my father’s column. I’ve but a few left and, well, stretching them out until a planned visit later this summer. Microfiche scanning. Nothing says “old school”…… Continue reading The Ballad of Frank Hamer

Lizzie Borden and Her Acquittal

Lizzie Borden. Huh, boy; where to start … Nah, I’ll make this quick. – Whacks parents … maybe. Probably. – Gets away with it … sort of. – Also rode a white bronco? That’s a rumor, but … Originally published in the Gainesville Times, July 26, 1988, Prof. Alex Taylor introduces the Lizzie Borden family…… Continue reading Lizzie Borden and Her Acquittal