Boston Strangler – The Green Man

Boston Strangler - Albert Henry DeSalvo - Alex Taylor
Albert Henry DeSalvo - The Boston Strangler

Behold, the Boston Strangler one of America’s most notorious serial killers, but first …

Wow! It has been a year since the last posting of Alex Taylor Tuesday. I kept a few tucked away for a special occasion during the Grand Distraction™, er, I mean pandemic. I don’t mean to play it down. Serious business. The effect, however … well, let’s leave that can closed and focus on this thing to the left. I say “thing” because “person” or even “human” isn’t accurate.

DeSalvo kept an entire city on edge for years. My father spent three columns on this beast. You’ll read why. Oh, and there’s something a little more recent about this case further below.

Boston Strangler - Part I - Alex Taylor

Boston Strangler - Part II - Alex Taylor
Boston Strangler - Part III - Alex Taylor


The Rest of the Story:

In 2013, cold case detectives and forensic pathologists for Suffolk County, MA and the City of Boston ran DNA tests on DeSalvo and matched them to one of his murder victims, opening the door for further testing. If you’re a fan of empirical evidence, mathematics and probability, it’s safe to conclude DeSalvo was indeed The Green Man – The Boston Strangler.
Read more HERE.


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By T. Nelson Taylor

Author, Audio Engineer, Graphic Artist, Musician, Science Buff, Researcher, Flying skills, Upright Motorcyclist, Mood Critic.

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