Gunfighting? A much younger me once asked my father if he ever drew his weapon and fired in the course of duty; had he ever participated in an actual gunfight? Was it like those we watched on the television or at the movies — Dirty Harry, etc.? His answer was usually stoic, reverent, and largely…… Continue reading Gunfighting Blues
T’s News and Muse
Laughing Matter? Sheer Lunacy!
Crime scenes a laughing matter? Hold that thought. Success! I am pleased to say that, after 15 months’ thumb-twiddling in Covid Purgatory, I was finally able to access the Gainesville Times archive and retrieve the final 25 columns written by my father. Maybe that’s begging the question a tad. The Times’ archive had been relocated…… Continue reading Laughing Matter? Sheer Lunacy!
Boston Strangler – The Green Man
Behold, the Boston Strangler — one of America’s most notorious serial killers, but first … Wow! It has been a year since the last posting of Alex Taylor Tuesday. I kept a few tucked away for a special occasion during the Grand Distraction™, er, I mean pandemic. I don’t mean to play it down. Serious…… Continue reading Boston Strangler – The Green Man