No Title Necessary Title

Just a quick note since I’ve not posted in a while… I’m not one for excuses. We are all acutely aware of the grand distractions over the past several months — the pandemic, the summer sieges, riots and destruction. Another divided election, bitterly contested and, for half of our democracy’s voters, unsatisfactorily resolved. Bittersweet for…… Continue reading No Title Necessary Title

The Ballad of Frank Hamer

Okay, here’s the thing: Due to The Pandemic™, I’ve not been able to raid Hall County’s library for additional scans of my father’s column. I’ve but a few left and, well, stretching them out until a planned visit later this summer. Microfiche scanning. Nothing says “old school” quite like fumbling through drawers of celluloid, loading…… Continue reading The Ballad of Frank Hamer