And now his last: Love for Lonesome Dove Many of us go about our lives in east coast Martrix fashion—heads down, tapping away at keyboards, biding our time until hopefully some ritual fun interludes. Rarer still comes the time of high adventure—a big trip somewhere exotic or an activity that lands way outside one’s comfort…… Continue reading Alex Taylor Says Goodbye with Film
Tag: Texas
In Arizona, The Gringos Get You
Gringos Get You isn’t the feel-good, emotional bonding version, folks. (Is there a Mexican Yakov Smirnoff?) A fragment of the Old, Wild West — when justice often came self-served or not at all. As the years march, it fades further from memory, outside of its most famous occurrences, O.K. Corral, et al. So many other…… Continue reading In Arizona, The Gringos Get You