Oh dear — government ethics. I’m going to be accused of clickbait, I know it … I suppose it’s the perceived duty of all published writers to play Grand Inquisitor (I really mean commentator) on public behavior in such a way that doesn’t specifically address a hot-button topic, but calls to question our interpretation of…… Continue reading Alex Taylor on Ethics and Morality
Tag: psychology
The Unsolved Bunch
Harry Longabaugh “The Sundance Kid” and Etta Place in New York City, circa 1901, just before they sailed to Argentina The Unsolved Bunch! Chances are, you’ve seen the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, starring Paul Newman, Robert Redford and Katherine Ross. The movie ends with a self-evident question mark. While most historical narratives…… Continue reading The Unsolved Bunch
Psychological Profiling — The Quiet Ones
“It’s always the quiet ones.” The movie Minority Report makes for comparative commentary here. Originally published in the Gainesville Times, December 6, 1988, Prof. Taylor speaks to the notion of Pre-Crime and a police state where psychological profiling is a practice compelled on all citizens. Oh, and please excuse the typos. I think Dad’s editor…… Continue reading Psychological Profiling — The Quiet Ones