Psychological Profiling — The Quiet Ones

“It’s always the quiet ones.” The movie Minority Report makes for comparative commentary here. Originally published in the Gainesville Times, December 6, 1988, Prof. Taylor speaks to the notion of Pre-Crime and a police state where psychological profiling is a practice compelled on all citizens. Oh, and please excuse the typos. I think Dad’s editor…… Continue reading Psychological Profiling — The Quiet Ones

Crowley and His Tweets

Crowley and his Tweets? Originally published in the Gainesville Times on September 27, 1988, Prof. Taylor examines the case of a young, sinister criminal called Francis “Two Gun” Crowley. You may glean a few takeaways from this story, but if there’s any one in particular above the rest, it’s that a little love often goes…… Continue reading Crowley and His Tweets

Boston Strangler – The Green Man

Albert Henry DeSalvo - The Boston Strangler

Behold, the Boston Strangler — one of America’s most notorious serial killers, but first … Wow! It has been a year since the last posting of Alex Taylor Tuesday. I kept a few tucked away for a special occasion during the Grand Distraction™, er, I mean pandemic. I don’t mean to play it down. Serious…… Continue reading Boston Strangler – The Green Man