Quite industrious, our boffins and elves … Out now are recent book updates and enhancements to the Kindle editions for DUST: SPECIAL EDITION, TO DUST, and BOLITA. Better readability and overall experience. DUST SE’s editions also updated for 2023. Wait … book updates? That’s what’s great about Print-on-Demand. Making something better is easy, and allowed.…… Continue reading NEW STUFF ALERT!

Won’t Leave You Hanging

Published in the Gainesville Times January 24, 1989, Retired Detective and Criminology Professor Alex Taylor electrifies the history of Old Sparky — the electric chair. What most people today do not realize is that this form of execution remains an option in several states, including Tennessee, which last used their electric chair on Nicholas Todd…… Continue reading Won’t Leave You Hanging

Your Fascination with Lawyers

Is there a term for fascination with lawyers? Love them, hate them. Mostly the latter, it seems. It’s your fault, you know. Drama. You love a good drama, and there’s no better place for it than a courtroom. Heck, you love bad dramas too. Tiger King outed us all on that. As long as the…… Continue reading Your Fascination with Lawyers