We’ll get to the effects of hypoglycemia in a moment. Before anyone mentions it, YES, I skipped a week. The explanation is that Prof. Taylor’s column for May 24, 1988 is a Memorial Day piece, and felt out of place given the timing. It has been pushed back to coincide with this year’s Memorial Day.…… Continue reading Hypoglycemia: Not Quite a Candy Commercial
Tag: Gainesville Times
Angels in Black
Angels in Black? Cue “Evil Woman” by ELO. It never fails to amuse me when I encounter obvious gender stereotyping. Hollywood has been at it for over a century now. To them, beautiful people are faultless, and ugly people usually do ugly things. This is why society generally gives gorgeous females a free pass, so…… Continue reading Angels in Black
Jackass, sure ‘nuf. A little levity is a good thing in times like these. One thing, though … If you were truly paying attention, yes, Prof. Alex Taylor does this quite often. Storyteller’s McGuffin? Originally published May 17, 1988 in the Gainesville Times.