Lizzie Borden and Her Acquittal

Lizzie Borden. Huh, boy; where to start … Nah, I’ll make this quick. – Whacks parents … maybe. Probably. – Gets away with it … sort of. – Also rode a white bronco? That’s a rumor, but … Originally published in the Gainesville Times, July 26, 1988, Prof. Alex Taylor introduces the Lizzie Borden family…… Continue reading Lizzie Borden and Her Acquittal

Preaching to the Choir?

Preaching to the Choir? Okay, a cheeky headline once you read the column, perhaps. Couldn’t resist, you know. I’m beginning to see an emerging pattern with my father’s articles. Media circuses, anyone? The Hall-Mills murder case is a prime example. All it takes is a grisly murder scene (not talking about the bear), some juicy…… Continue reading Preaching to the Choir?

Moral Certainty?

Photo credit: The Atlanta Constitution Well, this one seems to be rife with editorial slant regarding “moral certainty”, perhaps rightfully so. Nothing makes a father and former policeman exhibit his berserk more than a child-murdering ex-cop. This case hits close to home for Prof. Alex Taylor, as the trial of Rudi Lee Bromley in Gainesville,…… Continue reading Moral Certainty?