Psychological Profiling — The Quiet Ones

“It’s always the quiet ones.” The movie Minority Report makes for comparative commentary here. Originally published in the Gainesville Times, December 6, 1988, Prof. Taylor speaks to the notion of Pre-Crime and a police state where psychological profiling is a practice compelled on all citizens. Oh, and please excuse the typos. I think Dad’s editor…… Continue reading Psychological Profiling — The Quiet Ones

The Hangman’s Ball

Prof. Taylor examines our never-ending culture of violence in this week’s Taylor Tuesday. Published in the Gainesville Times, November 29, 1988, his Crime Stories column features the career of Isaac “Hanging Judge” Parker, famous (or infamous) for his frequent use of ropes. I’m titling this one as “The Hangman’s Ball”. Commentary follows the column. Familiar…… Continue reading The Hangman’s Ball

No Catchy Titles for Pedos

Pedophiles. That’s the subject of Prof. Taylor’s Crime Stories column, tendered for publication in the Gainesville Times, November 22, 1988. (*Note: Dad apparently took the week off November 15, 1988. The NE Georgia section did not contain his column that week. (Yes, I looked throughout the entire edition). Anyway, back to a subject I generally…… Continue reading No Catchy Titles for Pedos