Part I: The Dash of Rose The things we do for spite. This week, Alex Taylor begins the wild west tale of female tenacity. You know what they say about a woman scorned. Of course, the nicknames back then were indeed the stuff of legend. Dynamite Dick, Dick Speed (not so fast as it turns…… Continue reading The Dash of Rose, Part I
Tag: deviance
Another Book of Secrets?
Book of Secrets. Moviegoers love juicy plays on the government’s skeleton closet. Unfortunately, all one has to do is mention “conspiracy theory” and modern audiences run away faster than Sir Robin at the Cave of Caerbannog, or so his minstrels tell me. Yet, because of continued inquiries regarding certain truths after publication of his Lincoln…… Continue reading Another Book of Secrets?
Dumping Mary Rogers
Poor Mary Rogers. Same old story. Beauty meets the Beast. Beast Wins. That’s what happens outside of Hollywood, anyway. Stinging, cold truth. Prof. Alex Taylor presents Mary Rogers’ case below, as published in the Gainesville Times, Tuesday, March 29, 1988. In a way, this one reminds me of the O.J. Simpson circus. Maybe the truth…… Continue reading Dumping Mary Rogers