Choice Words

This week, Prof. Alex Taylor covers the meaning and origin of a few choice words from the world of crime. To comment, time apparently never favors certain parts of language, as you shall soon see. This column was originally published October 18, 1988, in the Gainesville Times, usually found on the left of the first…… Continue reading Choice Words

Boston Strangler – The Green Man

Albert Henry DeSalvo - The Boston Strangler

Behold, the Boston Strangler — one of America’s most notorious serial killers, but first … Wow! It has been a year since the last posting of Alex Taylor Tuesday. I kept a few tucked away for a special occasion during the Grand Distraction™, er, I mean pandemic. I don’t mean to play it down. Serious…… Continue reading Boston Strangler – The Green Man

Preaching to the Choir?

Preaching to the Choir? Okay, a cheeky headline once you read the column, perhaps. Couldn’t resist, you know. I’m beginning to see an emerging pattern with my father’s articles. Media circuses, anyone? The Hall-Mills murder case is a prime example. All it takes is a grisly murder scene (not talking about the bear), some juicy…… Continue reading Preaching to the Choir?