Prof. Alex Taylor’s column dives into the legend of Boot Hill and the many incarnations thereof. Originally appearing November 1, 1988, in the Gainesville Times, he examines some of the famous epitaphs associated with the Wild West, and some insight into other Boot Hills — Mafia included. Indeed, the Lester Moore grave is a contrivance.…… Continue reading Boot Hill — No Les, No More
Tag: Arizona
In Arizona, The Gringos Get You
Gringos Get You isn’t the feel-good, emotional bonding version, folks. (Is there a Mexican Yakov Smirnoff?) A fragment of the Old, Wild West — when justice often came self-served or not at all. As the years march, it fades further from memory, outside of its most famous occurrences, O.K. Corral, et al. So many other…… Continue reading In Arizona, The Gringos Get You