Hollywood’s Groundhog Day? Criminal minds

Criminal minds. He shoulda copyrighted that one. This week, Prof. Alex Taylor’s column shines light on the criminal shenanigans of celebrities. If the read feels all too familiar, well—insert worn-out history adages here. Taylor’s column first appeared in the Gainesville Times, June 14, 1988. Try to keep that in mind when you cross a sentence…… Continue reading Hollywood’s Groundhog Day? Criminal minds

Hypoglycemia: Not Quite a Candy Commercial

We’ll get to the effects of hypoglycemia in a moment. Before anyone mentions it, YES, I skipped a week. The explanation is that Prof. Taylor’s column for May 24, 1988 is a Memorial Day piece, and felt out of place given the timing. It has been pushed back to coincide with this year’s Memorial Day.…… Continue reading Hypoglycemia: Not Quite a Candy Commercial

Angels in Black

Angels in Black? Cue “Evil Woman” by ELO. It never fails to amuse me when I encounter obvious gender stereotyping. Hollywood has been at it for over a century now. To them, beautiful people are faultless, and ugly people usually do ugly things. This is why society generally gives gorgeous females a free pass, so…… Continue reading Angels in Black