Alex Taylor Tuesday brings one Anthony Comstock back to light. You probably haven’t heard of this gent or the delightful derision bearing his name. Published in the Gainesville Times, October 25, 1988, Taylor’s “Nude Painting” feels harmless until you dive a little deeper into the deathly fallout of priggish policies. More to follow. Nude storefront…… Continue reading Oh My Goodness, He Said BLUENOSE
Tag: academics
Choice Words
This week, Prof. Alex Taylor covers the meaning and origin of a few choice words from the world of crime. To comment, time apparently never favors certain parts of language, as you shall soon see. This column was originally published October 18, 1988, in the Gainesville Times, usually found on the left of the first…… Continue reading Choice Words
In Arizona, The Gringos Get You
Gringos Get You isn’t the feel-good, emotional bonding version, folks. (Is there a Mexican Yakov Smirnoff?) A fragment of the Old, Wild West — when justice often came self-served or not at all. As the years march, it fades further from memory, outside of its most famous occurrences, O.K. Corral, et al. So many other…… Continue reading In Arizona, The Gringos Get You