The Dash of Rose, Part II

Continuing last week’s story about Rose of Cimarron.
(additional commentary follows)

Brave bandit queen becomes wife, mother - Alex Taylor - Gainesville Times


Rose Dunn - Rose of the Cimarron
Rose was around 15 during the battle.
Those little princesses of ours …
The shootout, as described over Prof. Alex Taylor’s two columns, came to be known as the Battle of Ingalls. Unfortunately for Rose, her older Dunn brothers had become strict opportunists, known for bounty hunting, cattle rustling, and outright robbery. The reward offered for Bitter Creek and Charlie Pierce was actually $5,000 each, for a grand total of $10,000. That would make for a $300,000 sum in today’s currency. Boyfriend or not, that’s enough grub to get someone shot. If you read the Dunn brothers link, you’ll discover “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey would  have said it. As for heartbroken Rose, she disappeared into the same black hole of unremarkable domestic life as the rest of us. Okay, well most of us.

This Alex Taylor column originally appeared April 19, 1988 in the Gainesville Times of Gainesville, Georgia, Page 3A “North Georgia” section.

Map Curiosity: Interesting that Rose’s final destination of Salkum, WA is geographically similar to her childhood home of Yale / Ingalls, Oklahoma. Both feature gently rolling, nearly flat terrain, and are located near northern bends of large rivers.

Want a little more on Rose? I found THIS ENTRY interesting.
Rose Dunn - Rose of Cimarron
Photos generally associated with Rose Dunn, but not verified. Original sources unknown.


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By T. Nelson Taylor

Author, Audio Engineer, Graphic Artist, Musician, Science Buff, Researcher, Flying skills, Upright Motorcyclist, Mood Critic.

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