Seems quite coincidental and serendipitous that a Kennedy article would materialize the same week another major development in the Kennedy assassination saga makes the news (odds?). Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian militant who executed Robert F. Kennedy for his spearheaded role to provide 50 fighter jets to Israel, has won the recommendation for parole on his 16th attempt. Incredibly, the Kennedy family’s opinions are mixed. We’ll see how that *goes.
Published November 8, 1988 in the Gainesville Times, Prof. Alex Taylor’s Crime Stories visits the enigma of President John F. Kennedy’s killing. More to follow …

I suppose you’re all wondering what the Professor believes … a bottom line, conspiracies, official reports, and personal involvement considered (don’t ask, TL;DR and loosely connected) —
“What does he think?”
Details and motives vary, but Det. Sgt. Alex Taylor (ret.) would sum it up simply as “It was the mob.”
No surprise; I’ll leave it there.
*(Sirhan Sirhan was denied parole in 2023)