By now you’ve weathered the global wire’s blast furnace regarding the shooting that took place last week at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. The news media have covered it relentlessly, it has been the forefront topic of table conversation everywhere you dined, and it’s likely you can’t open any of your social network interfaces…… Continue reading An Assault on Intelligence
Category: Politics
“All Warfare is Based on Deception” ~Sun Tzu
The best I can figure, we entered the Misinformation Age roughly eighteen years ago. Shortly after the internet TCP/IPwent global around 1990, and given a few short years for BBS mail services and basic website pages to emerge—particularly those in the sphere of finance—multitudes of boutique public relation (PR) firms sprouted like pimples on a…… Continue reading “All Warfare is Based on Deception” ~Sun Tzu
Invisible Guns
Oh dear. Politics. Run away! Run away! Actually, this post isn’t so much about politics as it is simple government philosophy. Game or Gamey? I should poll you, actually. I don’t often dive into the sordid world of hopelessly dichotic beliefs, but recent events have me lathered. Before anyone asks me about Chick-fil-A, it’s a…… Continue reading Invisible Guns