It’s Either People or Records, Guns, and Planes

(Remember CD’s?) Birthday celebration’s over. Fantastic week with my dear parents, who bravely navigated the angry interstate yet again to spend their precious moments with us. Thanks to Maria and all my fabulous friends and family who posted. Love abounds… It has been quite some time since the last post, but some frequently reverberating thoughts…… Continue reading It’s Either People or Records, Guns, and Planes

Was Lars Ulrich Right?

Short answer: yes* I had one of those music business epiphanies the other day while surfing YouTube. Someone posted a full-production Metallica concert recently—a live show from earlier this year in Las Vegas. I skipped through it, reminiscing the late ‘80s headbanger scene. They looked great, sounded great, and performed well. Still got it! But…… Continue reading Was Lars Ulrich Right?