Today is my father’s birthday. Given his nature, he wouldn’t much care for my announcing this over the internet, but this one is special and I want to tell you about it. Many decades ago, Alex Taylor exited the Air Force and entered Tampa’s police department. He quickly worked his way through the chain of…… Continue reading Feels Like the Right Day to Publish a Book
T’s News and Muse
Bolita – The Prologue
By autumn of 1975, the city of Tampa, Florida was in a state of near chaos. Fresh from the Vietnam War, Watergate, the Civil Rights Movement, the petroleum crisis, high unemployment, and rapidly rising inflation, Tampa had yet another war to sort out. Although coexisting for decades, the Cracker Mob was practically on the way…… Continue reading Bolita – The Prologue
Spendthrifts, a New Resolution, and GM Did What?
Did any of you happen to catch THIS article last month? I honestly don’t know where to begin. IF (and that is a big all-caps IF) the article’s figure is accurate, it reflects everything that’s wrong with the current budget crisis in Washington. With all the talk of cutting entitlement programs and raising taxes as…… Continue reading Spendthrifts, a New Resolution, and GM Did What?