You may have noticed my vitriolic tendencies towards the media’s misplaced sensationalisms regarding death and injury statistics. To paraphrase a Star Trek adage, the death of a few outweighs the deaths of the many. Not that one person’s death is any less important than another’s, no matter how it happened. Death and injury (we’re talking…… Continue reading The Super License
T’s News and Muse
Download DUST 2nd EDITION e-book FREE at AMAZON, Christmas Day through Thursday, 12/27 midnight PST. No reader? No problem. Download the Kindle reading application for your computer, tablet, smartphone, and other devices by clicking HERE. Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays! ~T
An Assault on Intelligence
By now you’ve weathered the global wire’s blast furnace regarding the shooting that took place last week at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. The news media have covered it relentlessly, it has been the forefront topic of table conversation everywhere you dined, and it’s likely you can’t open any of your social network interfaces…… Continue reading An Assault on Intelligence