<cue David Bowie’s Fashion> Turn to the left … The Debate on Form: One Lump or Two? I’m not much for commentary on typesetting because frankly, after you’ve completed a few dozen solar orbits, you’ll notice that the appearance of the written word is a matter of Fashion de Jour. This go-round, I’ve been handed…… Continue reading How Many Spaces?
T’s News and Muse
For the Record
I’m breaking a cardinal rule in the stay-with-me-me-me world of webpage design and blogging. Traditionally, we’re not supposed to send anyone to another site for citation purposes or other corroborative reasons until they’re hooked into my narrative. Screw that! If you don’t click on the link below for fear of symptomatic adult attention deficit disorder,…… Continue reading For the Record
The Multimedia Ninja Strikes!
DO-OVER! DO-OVER! Well (say it like Reagan), it had to happen sometime. An author interview! How’d I do? Check it out: And? Oh man, I totally blew a few questions last night. In a word, DISJOINTED. Okay, it wasn’t quite that horrible. Such as it is in unscripted free-form conversation with a dear old friend,…… Continue reading The Multimedia Ninja Strikes!