DO-OVER! DO-OVER! Well (say it like Reagan), it had to happen sometime. An author interview! How’d I do? Check it out: And? Oh man, I totally blew a few questions last night. In a word, DISJOINTED. Okay, it wasn’t quite that horrible. Such as it is in unscripted free-form conversation with a dear old friend,…… Continue reading The Multimedia Ninja Strikes!
T’s News and Muse
The title of this entry is Drive*. Notice the asterisk? The other day, a dear friend posted one of those ubiquitous internet memes berating Generation Me. You know—those confounded millennials every elder despises? Yes, them…again. Here it is: I posited that an asterisk should be attached to “drive”, appending another note of sarcasm. Now, my…… Continue reading Drive*
Everyone Thinks Your Music Stinks
I still buy the occasional album, but it has to be GOOD. I’m at the point now where if someone wants to share my music these days, or even talk about it, I take it as a huge compliment. I’ve read several of these “Blame the Fans” (DMN, FORBES, GENE SIMMONS, QUIETUS) arguments now, and…… Continue reading Everyone Thinks Your Music Stinks