Writing Update What? He’s starting with a writing update? Yep! The news is that I’ve been on yet another distractive hiatus working on other Maslow Hierarchy Level One and Two projects. DUST’s sequel is well into drafting and developing nicely, but I must stress that I’m not concerned with a release date as much as…… Continue reading Blöggentrafikomläggningen
T’s News and Muse
Beyond Bananaland Old Banana Railway, Moín, Costa Rica I’m troubled by the macro complaints of the Pope, the Dalai Lama, celebrities, and the countless other pontificators in their denunciation of world poverty. Wait—I know your first thought my be that I am somehow discounting their gripes; I am most certainly not! It took a research…… Continue reading Bananas!
Was Lars Ulrich Right?
Short answer: yes* I had one of those music business epiphanies the other day while surfing YouTube. Someone posted a full-production Metallica concert recently—a live show from earlier this year in Las Vegas. I skipped through it, reminiscing the late ‘80s headbanger scene. They looked great, sounded great, and performed well. Still got it! But…… Continue reading Was Lars Ulrich Right?