(not Simon!) Alex Taylor’s “Beasts” series continues with homicidal sleepwalking zombies — three words I would have heavily wagered to never type together. Alas, they exist, and you can further research them HERE. Featured in the Gainesville, GA Times, March 8th, 1988, Prof. Taylor tells of a one Simon Fraser. No, not the Jacobite clan…… Continue reading Simon Sleeps, Simon Says
T’s News and Muse
Beast #1: Read What Thou Wilt
It seems wholly unfitting to publish a column about someone as unChristmas as Aleister Crowley. Somehow, my father managed a mere 500-word column to describe a man who, by Christian standards, is the epitome of evil. To be criminally neutral perhaps, I suppose it depends on one’s perspective. Crowley lost me after the first paragraph…… Continue reading Beast #1: Read What Thou Wilt
Alex Taylor’s Beasts: Part 1
This column isn’t about me of course, but if you’ve ever wondered what sort of childhood I endured, sharing a domicile under the protection of such an intellect, let’s just say it was “interesting”. Originally appearing in the Gainesville Times, February, 23, 1988, Alex Taylor lays out his series that will study the cases of…… Continue reading Alex Taylor’s Beasts: Part 1