Beasts — Simon Sleeps, Simon Says

Albert Tirrell murdering Mary Ann Bickford - Alex Taylor
(not Simon!)

Alex Taylor’s “Beasts” series continues with homicidal sleepwalking zombies — three words I would have heavily wagered to never type together. Alas, they exist, and you can further research them HERE.

Featured in the Gainesville Times, March 8, 1988, Prof. Alex Taylor tells of a one Simon Fraser. No, not the Jacobite clan chief loosely paralleled in Starz’s Outlander TV series; this Fraser had other issues. Best for a bedtime read? You tell me.


Stalking the wold beast within sleepwalkers - Alex Taylor - Gainesville Times
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By T. Nelson Taylor

Author, Audio Engineer, Graphic Artist, Musician, Science Buff, Researcher, Flying skills, Upright Motorcyclist, Mood Critic.

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