It seems wholly unfitting to publish a column about someone as un-Christmas as Aleister Crowley. Somehow, my father managed a mere 500-word column to describe a man who, by Christian standards, is the epitome of evil. Perhaps I’m striving for criminal neutrality; it depends on one’s perspective. Crowley lost me after the first paragraph below. Poor cat!
Professor Alex Taylor includes an overview of Crowley’s evil, part of which entails his boasting of ritual sacrifice. Was he indeed a murderer? Maybe not, but he apparently enjoyed the publicity created by such assumptions. You might find this as a common trait among professional provocateurs: Create controversy, leverage the position, profit (or is it “prophet”?).
Originally appearing in the Gainesville Times, March 1, 1988.

*Liner note: Damn you Ozzy Osbourne! I’ve been mispronouncing Crowley’s name all this time because of that song.
UPDATE 12 p.m. EST 12/24/2019:
The wife and I flip houses as a side occupation. We love rehabbing projects, redecorating, etc. therefore we are always looking for our next. Late yesterday, Maria sent me her list of potentials, and THIS HOME was one of them. Nothing really notable until my jaw dropped upon viewing its 23rd photo. I find coincidence as entertaining as the next person, but this … I mean, what are the odds?
The wife and I flip houses as a side occupation. We love rehabbing projects, redecorating, etc. therefore we are always looking for our next. Late yesterday, Maria sent me her list of potentials, and THIS HOME was one of them. Nothing really notable until my jaw dropped upon viewing its 23rd photo. I find coincidence as entertaining as the next person, but this … I mean, what are the odds?