Month 10

Wow.  I allowed a full week to pass before giving everyone a monthly update!  With the exception of tidying up one section of an interview, “Title #2″ (as it is provisionally called until submission of copyright) is well underway with a tentative completion date late February, 2010.  Many of you have asked about Dust and when a second book will appear.  Unfortunately, Title #2 and Title #3 must take precedent due to the fact that many of the interviewees and content-related parties are aged.  A few are also in poor health.  Even if a publishing company gave me a really good reason <g> to drop the current projects and begin another Dust installment, I would feel compelled to decline.

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By T. Nelson Taylor

Author, Audio Engineer, Graphic Artist, Musician, Science Buff, Researcher, Flying skills, Upright Motorcyclist, Mood Critic.

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