Dust: Special Edition - T. Nelson Taylor
Enhanced and upgraded with new scenes
To Dust
The long-awaited sequel is here!
Bolita - T. Nelson Taylor
Adapted from true stories
  • So, About That …
    So, where to begin … The sentence above is an intentional construction, begging two points. First, the escalating commonality of opening with “So”. Second, the use of ellipsis to indicate a declarative statement with dramatic tailing instead of a question. As a sufferer of mild dyslexia, I’ll start with the latter. My blog, my excuse!… Continue reading So, About That …
  • Audiobook NOW AVAILABLE!
    Out Now on Audible … Dust’s new audiobook is currently on promotion, FREE to Amazon PRIME members as part of an introduction to their Audible platform. Subscriptions begin a just $5.95, or buy it outright. Amazon set its regular price at $19.95 and discounts it heavily. Okay, so you know, Amazon and Audible sets audiobook… Continue reading Audiobook NOW AVAILABLE!